Grand Prairie Texas SmartTeams Pilot Program Videos

In August 2015, MomsTEAM Institute of Youth Sports Safety Executive Director, Brooke de Lench, spent a week in Grand Prairie, Texas working with administrators, coaches, parents, and athletes in the city's youth tackle and flag football and cheer program as part of MomsTEAM's SmartTeamâ„¢ pilot project.

Create Safe Concussion Reporting Environment, Encourage Reporting By Teammates, Says Pieroth


One of the biggest problems in concussion management is the under-reporting of concussion injuries and minimizing symptoms, says neuropsychologist Elizabeth M. Pieroth, Psy.D, Associate Director of the Sports Concussion Program of NorthShore Medical Group in Chicago. Encouraging reporting by teammates, creating an environment in which athletes feel safe in self-reporting, and emphasizing to players that, as much as they want to stay in the game because they don't want to let their teammates down, they are letting their teammates down if they don't play well because of a concussion.

SmartTeams Talk: Dr. Beth Pieroth Talks Concussions in Youth Football


Elizabeth M. Pieroth, Psy.D, Board Certified Neuropsychologist and Associate Director of the Sports Concussion Program at the NorthShore Medical Group, talks about concussions in youth football in this comprehensive and informative half-hour presentation to parents in Grand Prairie, Texas.

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